
There are different levels of membership in the American Mountain Men.

PILGRIM.   Membership in the AMM is by invitation only, it requires sponsorship by either two (2) AMM members holding Bossloper degree or one (1) AMM member holding Hiverrano degree. To explore the possibility of membership, you should contact the brigade booshway or any other known AMM member and tell him a little about yourself and discuss opportunities to camp, primitively, with AMM members. If, after those camps, you are invited and accept the invitation, you may apply to become a Pilgrim. Once sponsored  as a Pilgrim, you  will have a minimum of one year and a maximum two years to complete the requirements to become a full member (Bossloper).

BOSSLOPER.  Once you have entered the Pilgrim phase you have two years to complete any ten of a list of requirements with numbers 1 and 2 being mandatory, (16 is not required) You will be mentored by your sponsor(s), seasoned AMM members, who will guide you through the requirements and their process. At the completion of a minimum of ten requirements within two years you will be accepted as a full member or Bossloper and will receive your membership number.

JUNIOR.  Available for boys age 15 – 17.  A Parental Consent Form must be signed by the boy’s parents or legal guardian before he can be accepted as a member, require one sponsor who is either a Bossloper or a Hiveranno. So long as his dues remain current, a Junior member shall be entitled to receive the association newsletter and magazine and he shall be permitted to attend all association functions. Once a Junior Member turns 18, he may either become a Probationary Member, under the rules listed for that membership level, or become an Associate Member. If a Junior member becomes a probationary member at age 18, the time spent as a Junior member may be applied to the one year minimum requirement for Probationary members, but not to the two year maximum and requirements completed as a Junior Member shall apply to Bossloper requirements.

If you don’t know anyone in the AMM and are interested in learning more,  contact us for details and to find a AMM member near you.